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"Sew Beautiful"

Sew Beautiful - December 2013/January 2014

ЖУРНАЛЫ ПО ШИТЬЮ - "Sew Beautiful"

Sew Beautiful magazine is devoted to providing instruction and inspiration to stitchers of all skill levels in machine and hand sewing.
 Heirloom clothing, intricate needlework, delicate smocking, and creative women's apparel abound inside the pages of each issue.
 Instructions and patterns are included


Sew Beautiful - October/November 2013

ЖУРНАЛЫ ПО ШИТЬЮ - "Sew Beautiful"

Sew Beautiful magazine is devoted to providing instruction and inspiration to stitchers of all skill levels in machine and hand sewing.
Heirloom clothing, intricate needlework, delicate smocking, and creative women's apparel abound inside the pages of each issue.
Instructions and patterns are included

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